Air Purification for Allergies

If a family member is experiencing asthma or hay fever, we have an air quality solution that can help.

iWave air purifier - remove bacteria, allergens, and viruses from your indoor air

Having a comfortable home goes far beyond temperature settings. The quality of air inside your home greatly affects your comfort and health. Tiny particles like mold, bacteria, and moisture can cause serious respiratory problems while other contaminants like pet dander, pollen, and dust can be irritating.

The AprilAire Air Purification System can greatly reduce these particles and improve symptoms for individuals suffering from seasonal allergies and respiratory illnesses. Call Anderson Heating, Cooling & Plumbing to see if installing a AprilAire Air Purification System, media-based air cleaner, or germicidal UV light is the right choice for you and your family.

How Is the iWave Air Purifier Effective for Allergy Sufferers?

iWave uses the latest air purification technology to reduce allergens in the air inside homes and businesses. iWave is installed into your property's HVAC system. As air passes through the device, ions cause allergens such as dust and pollen to band together so that your air filter will trap it before re-entering your home's air.

Additionally, iWave safely and effectively kills viruses, bacteria, and mold as they pass through your HVAC system. It does not create any harmful byproducts or use any chemicals so it is safe to use in your home or business.

Signs You Could Benefit from a Whole Home Air Purifier

If you suffer from allergies, asthma, hay fever, or consistently miss work or school, a whole-home air cleaner could be life-changing. Anderson Heating, Cooling & Plumbing can help you determine the right whole home air purification system to fit your family’s needs. Give us a call today if you experience any of the following:

Asthma or Hay Fever Symptoms

  • Indoor air can contain many things that could trigger an asthma episode of coughing, wheezing, chest tightness, shortness of breath.
  • Some common triggers in homes include dust, dust mites, animal dander, mold, and mildew.

Consistently Missing Work or School Due to Respiratory Infections

  • The size of allergenic mite and fungal populations in a home is directly dependent upon the relative humidity.
  • Majority of adverse health effects caused by relative humidity would be minimized by maintaining indoor levels between 30 and 60%.

Combat Three Classes of Airborne Contaminants

  • Particles: Any substance measuring less than 100 microns in diameter is considered a particle. These particles include dust, pollen and pet dander.
  • Bioaerosols and microorganisms: Microscopic organisms that grow and reproduce in warm, humid places are considered bioaerosols and microorganisms. These organisms include viruses, bacteria, mold spores, fungi and dust mites.
  • Odors and chemical vapors: Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and indoor odors come from sources like cleaning supplies, solvents used in carpeting or furniture, paints, cooking smells and pet odors.

Combat Three Classes of Airborne Contaminants

Unmatched Purification and Filtration

Enjoy unmatched purification and filtration with the AprilAire System. Three classes of air contaminants exist in homes that adversely affect indoor air quality. Conventional systems available today only combat one or two classes and often only in a single room. The PureAir™ System is designed to combat all three for comprehensive air purification.

  • Particles: (Any substances measuring less than 100 microns in diameter) - Removes 99.9% of mold spores, pollen, dust and pet dander. Removes over 95% of fine particles absorbed by the lungs, including infectious airborne bacteria and smoke down to .3 micron.
  • Bioaerosols and Microorganisms: (Microscopic living organisms that grow and reproduce in warm, humid places) - Removes more than 90% of bioaerosols down to 0.01 micron, including airborne viruses such as MRSA, flu, and cold viruses.
  • Odors/Chemical Vapors: (Air contaminants in the form of gases) - Destroys volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and odors from sources such as cooking smells, pet odors, cleaning products, and fumes from carpeting or furniture solvents and paints.


  • Health benefits: Exceeds hospital intensive care/operating room level filtration***.
  • Cleaner air: Does not produce ground-level ozone- it actually reduces ozone in your home.
  • Reliable comfort: Derived from industry-exclusive air purification technology.
  • Peace of mind: Performance is backed by a 5-year limited warranty on covered components.

*Due to recency of outbreaks, no specific claims can be made on the effectiveness of any system on destroying or eliminating the virus commonly known as COVID-19.

How Does the AprilAire System Work?

The AprilAire System uses a media filter and UV light. The PCO filter is coated with titanium dioxide that comes in contact with harmful pollutants. A UV light is shined onto the catalytic filter to create a reaction that destroys the pollutants.

Pros and Cons of the PureAir™ System

On the plus side, this technology has proven to be the most effective air cleaning option available, and as a result, is used in health settings and food processing for air cleaning.

This advanced air purifier uses multiple means of cleaning the air and is ideal for households where members have known breathing issues including asthma, allergies, and COPD.

An additional benefit is that the PCO filter doesn’t hinder airflow, so your HVAC system won’t work much harder. The downside to this system is the higher cost of the PCO filters and the electricity cost to run them.

PureAir™ Web Only Offer
$1295 (save 25%)

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PureAir™ Web Only Offer (with purchase of an Air
Conditioner or Furnace)
$995 (save 40%)

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Enhance Your Home's Air Quality Providing Cleaner, Healthier Air Using a Media-Based Air Cleaner

If you’re not experiencing breathing or allergy problems, adding more equipment to your HVAC system probably isn’t a cost-effective response to indoor air pollution. See the recommendations below for improving indoor air quality in any home.

For those with breathing trouble, a central air purifier can be part of a broader solution to indoor air pollutants in your home.

What is a MERV rating? Minimum Efficiency Reported Value (MERV): Describes the filter’s ability to capture particles ranging from 1-16. Typical standard fiberglass filter = MERV 1

Healthy Climate Carbon Clean 16® Media Air Cleaner

*Due to recency of outbreaks no specific claims can be made on the effectiveness of any system on destroying or eliminating the virus commonly known as COVID-19.

  • #1 rated professionally installed, whole-home filtration technology as rated by a leading consumer magazine.
  • It would take at least six of the top-rated portable room air cleaners to equal the performance of one Healthy Climate Carbon 16 Media Air Cleaner (MERV 16).
  • Hospital inpatient care/ general surgery level filtration.
  • Removes 95% of particles ranging in size down to 0.3 microns.
  • Removes of 90% of Bioaerosols and microorganisms (like bacteria and viruses) down to .01 micron.
  • Compatible with any existing HVAC system and comes with a 5-year limited warranty.

Healthy Climate Carbon Clean 11® Media Air Cleaner

  • MERV 11 filter removes 85% of particles such as dust, pet dander and
    mold spores ranging in size down to 3 microns.
  • Compatible with any existing HVAC system and comes with a 5-year
    limited warranty.
Carbon Clean 16® Web Only Offer
$650 (save 14%)

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Carbon Clean 16® Web Only Offer (with purchase of an Air Conditioner or Furnace)
$450 (save 30%)

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Protecting Your Home With a Germicidal UV Light

Are UV lights Worth the Investment?

Your health provides the answer. If you and household members do not have breathing
issues or allergies and if you’re not experiencing higher-than-normal rates of colds and
other viruses, then you probably don’t need germicidal UV lights in your HVAC system.

However, some might be reading this post because those problems are a reality in your
home. For you, HVAC UV lights can be part of the solution

How Do UV Lights Work?

The three main types of UV rays are UVA, UVB, and UVC. Because UVC rays have the
shortest wavelength, and therefore highest energy, they are capable of killing bacteria and
viruses, also called pathogens. UVC is highly effective at decontamination because it
destroys the molecular bonds that hold together the DNA of viruses and bacteria, including
"superbugs," which have developed a stronger resistance to antibiotics.

Hospitals have embraced ultraviolet (UV) lights as a cleaning tool for years, using large,
industrial-grade machines to decontaminate rooms. Now, smaller versions of UV sanitation
lights are available to consumers for use in their HVAC systems.

Due to recency of outbreaks no specific claims can be made on the effectiveness of any system on destroying or eliminating the virus commonly known as COVID-19

Healthy Climate UV Germicidal Lights

  • Help eliminate biological contaminants such as mold and bacteria.
  • Highest UV light intensity on the market.
  • Reduces concentrations of bioaerosols by 50% within as little as 45 minutes (based on constant air circulation in a home of 3,000 square feet using a 5 ton air handler).
  • Protects your HVAC equipment helping to keep it running smoothly and efficiently.
UV Light Web Only Offer
$350 (save 23%)

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UV Light Web Only Offer (with purchase of an Air
Conditioner or Furnace)
$450 (save 39%)

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To find out which air cleaning and filtration system might be best for your needs, call Anderson Heating, Cooling & Plumbing at (440) 255-8500.