Dehumidifiers for Mentor-area Homes

To reduce the strain on your AC and make your air healthier, consider adding an AC dehumidifier to your setup!

If you suffer from allergies, you know how miserable you can feel most of the time. If you live in a humid part of the country or suffer through hot and humid summers, the symptoms can get worse, as can the growth of mold and mildew in the home. Call Anderson Heating, Cooling & Plumbing to find out how you can benefit from installing an AC dehumidifier.

If the air in your home isn’t as clean as it should be, check out our air cleaners & filtration services for relief.

Benefits to Installing a Dehumidifier

A dehumidifier is essential for homes in areas with high moisture in the air. High humidity triggers allergies and causes the formation of mold and mildew if left unchecked. If you don’t have a dehumidifier, check out these benefits:

  • Dehumidifiers reduce the humidity of the air, which makes it less likely that allergens and dust mites will get out of control.
  • Dehumidifiers operate quietly, and you probably won’t even know they’re working.
  • Dehumidifiers reduce the chance that your home will develop mold in your home and on your clothes.
  • A reduction in your home’s humidity means clothes hung dry faster, and your food, such as bread and cereals, remain fresh longer.
  • Dehumidifiers reduce the amount of dust in the home, which means you spend less time cleaning.

If you’re still on the fence about adding a dehumidifier to your AC, call our indoor comfort experts for a consultation. Or if you need dehumidifier repair, give us a call for immediate service.

Do You Need a Dehumidifier? These Signs Say Yes!

If you have allergy symptoms that never go away, it could be a sign that you need a dehumidifier. Here are other signs to consider.

  • You see wet spots on the walls or ceilings.
  • You have high humidity in the bathroom and rooms without windows.
  • You see condensation frequently forming on the windows.
  • Mold spots grow in areas with high humidity, such as the bathroom or laundry room.
  • The air smells musty.

Installing a dehumidifier is an easy and inexpensive way to improve the air quality in your home and make you and your family healthier. Call us for more information.

If you can’t get comfortable, call us and ask about our thermostats service today.

How to Choose a Dehumidifier

When choosing a dehumidifier, you have a variety of options. And the one you purchase depends on where you’ll place it and the level of humidity you have. For best results, a whole-house model is recommended if you have high humidity throughout your home. If you only have one or two trouble rooms, consider purchasing individual units for each room to reduce the humidity. To ensure you get the right model for your home, call the experts at Anderson Heating, Cooling & Plumbing for a consultation.

Don’t let high humidity ruin your health and your home. Call the Mentor, OH indoor comfort experts at (440) 255-8500 to discuss your needs and schedule whole home dehumidifier installation or repair.